Small Pods
Lilly, Adrian and their Dad sit down for a chat which includes book recommendations for kids, fun trivia, updates on the latest games and gadgets, movie reviews, topics of the week and much more.You can also drop us suggestions, questions or comments at lillyandage@smallpods.com.au or subscribe to our Fan Page at buymeacoffee.com/smallpods link on this site.
Small Pods
Small Pods Episode 43 - The Sleep Over
Hi Everyone Lilly here.
On todays show I'm having a sleep over with my friends Zoe and Millie and even though we did go into boy territory editor Dad was told to edit those parts out...hehe.
But even though you don't get the gossip about crushes you do get to hear about our year 6 end of year assembly, our upcoming end of year dance (stay tuned for how it all went), the life story project we worked on for school, reminiscing about the past few years at our primary school and the game that made us go back to Roblox again for more roll playing.
Hope you enjoy the show!