Small Pods
Lilly, Adrian and their Dad sit down for a chat which includes book recommendations for kids, fun trivia, updates on the latest games and gadgets, movie reviews, topics of the week and much more.You can also drop us suggestions, questions or comments at lillyandage@smallpods.com.au or subscribe to our Fan Page at buymeacoffee.com/smallpods link on this site.
Small Pods
Small Pods Episode 36 - Star Wars Week 4 The Phantom Menace
On todays show we review Star Wars Episode One - The Phantom Menace.
We discuss the new characters and compare the CGI effects to the old conventional effects from the original trilogy.
We then get a little off topic when comparing Jar Jar Binks to our pet dog Kinglsey.....join us and witness how we some how get from talking Star Wars to Jar Jar peeing with his leg up then to cheesy old Barbie movies from the 90s.