Small Pods
Lilly, Adrian and their Dad sit down for a chat which includes book recommendations for kids, fun trivia, updates on the latest games and gadgets, movie reviews, topics of the week and much more.You can also drop us suggestions, questions or comments at lillyandage@smallpods.com.au or subscribe to our Fan Page at buymeacoffee.com/smallpods link on this site.
Small Pods
Small Pods Episode 32 - Mistaken Song Lyrics
HELLO Again Everyone!
With our new studio set up for 2021 we were excited to just get on the air again so had a casual show put together for today.
We go through some songs that we sing along to with mistaken lyrics. See if you can hear the singers saying what we thought they say.
Then a suprise call from Nanna reveals that Dad can't get pregnent (LOL)
For all our Small Pod fans don't forget to subscribe and donate to our show for more content. We are also going to start shout outs to fans that write in at lillyandage@smallpods.com.au.
If you also would like to guest on our show please email or message us on our Facebook page.
Lilly and Adrian.